unipolaris academy provides personalised and interactive cbse online classes for class 9 maths in one to one teacher to student ratio

We enrol qualified and experienced CBSE Online Class 9 Maths Tutors with pen tablet. The tutors have good command over Maths and have fluent communication skills
Regular Assignments are given and their evaluation is done timely
Questions complementing school curriculum AND MCQs(Multiple choice questions), VSA (Very Short Answers)(SA-I), SA(Short Answers)(SA-II) & LA(Long Answer), Case based/Passage based questions are given for practice and solved along with students
Core books followed are NCERT and NCERT exemplar as their content is made by experts and it is necessary to complete them for clearing basics
Regular Doubts Resolution – Doubts of the students are cleared before moving on to the next concepts
Recording after the live class is provided in a folder for revision purpose so that student can go through concepts again if they are not able to understand in the live class
Focus is on clearing the basics of the student as once the basics are cleared they can build upon the basics to solve higher order problems
Personal Attention to the Student for focused learning – Personal attention is given to the student as teacher asks questions regularly during the live class thus enabling the teacher to understand the comprehension level of the student
Free Live Demo offered before Parent and student decides to go for regular classes
Three Classes in a week, 12 classes in a month, extra classes can be conducted according to requirement
Concepts covered in CBSE Online Class 9 Maths Course
Number System
- Introduction
- Irrational Numbers
- Real Numbers and their decimal expansions
- Introduction
- Polynomials in one variable
- Zeroes of a polynomial
- Factorisation of polynomials
- Algebraic Identities
Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction
- Cartesian System
Linear Equations in two variables
- Introduction
- Linear Equations
- Solution of a linear equation
Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
- Introduction
- Euclid’s Definitions, Axioms and Postulates
Lines and Angles
- Introduction
- Basic Terms and Definitions
- Intersecting Lines and Non-intersecting Lines
- Pairs of Angles
- Lines Parallel to the Same Line
- Introduction
- Congruence of Triangles
- Criteria for Congruence of Triangles
- Some properties of a triangle
- Some More Criteria for Congruence of Triangles
- Properties of a Parallelogram
- The Mid-point Theorem
- Angle Subtended by a Chord at a Point
- Perpendicular from the Centre to a Chord
- Circle through Three Points
- Equal Chords and Their Distances from the Centre
- Angle Subtended by an Arc of a Circle
- Cyclic Quadrilaterals
Heron’s Formula
- Area of a Triangle — by Heron’s Formula
Surface Areas and Volumes
- Surface Area of a Right Circular Cone
- Surface Area of a Sphere
- Volume of a Right Circular Cone
- Volume of a Sphere
- Graphical Representation of Data